Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Reality Ridiculous: The Tall Man/Short Woman Phenomenon

Listen up.  I am about 5’9”, well above the average height of women in the United States, which is approximately 5’4”.  I have an inexplicable urge to wear stiletto heels, this disorder having emerged at the age of 6 months old – the higher the better.  As you can imagine, a pair of four inch heels will put me at about 6’1”, while a pair of six inch heels boost me to a towering 6’3”.  Now if the average height of an American male is approximately 5’9 ½”, you can imagine that I have a tough time finding a man of adequate height to complement my stature.  So why, pray tell, do I always find extremely tall men, accompanied by women who have only barely escaped elf status, by the skin of their teeth???  Not only that, but both of these parties are known to actively seek one another out!  And to add insult to injury, why is it always the pint sized males who are emboldened enough to approach me and the rest of my Amazon friends?
If I put my obvious partiality aside, this phenomenon makes sense, as the old adage states, “opposites attract.”  I believe that many men of extreme height felt somewhat awkward or embarrassed while growing up, thus finding a short woman seemed attractive to them.  It’s as if her below average stature would somehow serve to make him appear closer to normal.  I think that the same may be said for very short women.  Most of my short friends are extremely insulted by any reference to their having below average height.  I might say, “That dress looks better on you because you are short,” but somehow it translates as, “You little freak!  Go get some stilts!”  This has always left me perplexed because short women seem to have an advantage.  They NEVER have to sacrifice heels for a short date.  Generally speaking, their shoe size is always available at the stores.  They’ve never had a pair of pantyhose stop at their knee caps.  And for goodness sakes – you can hem a pair of pant legs, but have you ever tried to make them grow?!
Furthermore – super short people with extremely tall people look utterly ridiculous!  Madame, if your head stops at his waist, you leave me only one conclusion as to how you won him over.  I mean, don’t you want to dance with someone without having your face buried into his stomach?  And men, does not your neck hurt from craning over to kiss or hug your freakishly short mate? (Okay, I apologize, that last statement was simply uncalled for.)
Please excuse me if I am less than sympathetic to the plight of short women, but you must understand my exasperation.  For all of the height disadvantaged women of the world, I have only one thing to say: Know your place, shorties!  There are enough men of average height for you to acquire a virtual male harem!  Why must you seek out the paltry number of eligible tall men, sprinkled amongst the male populace?  My summation is that you are selfish little gnomes, evil trolls unconcerned with the well being of your fellow man.  Even with heels, you barely break the 5’8” barrier.  Shame on you!  And as for the men, a short woman will only make you look like a towering giant (re: CIRCUS FREAK!).  I don’t care what psychological hold ups you have from your childhood, there are a number of statuesque women that are starving out here!  No one, good sir, and I mean NO ONE, should have to choose between a man and fashionable shoes.  It’s just not right. 
So, the next time you go out looking for a mate, keep in mind this sage piece of advice:  Although everyone is the same height lying down, things are quite boring if only experienced in that manner, are they not?

                                                          Now that's just sad....


  1. im 6'5 and the girl that im sorta going out is bearly 5'.. its pretty awkward yea

  2. Haha
    I'm also a >>shorty<< and I have to admit that I am one of these women having a very tall boyfriend ;D
    Seems to be as if I have to excuse myself for that. So, I'm really sorry for taking a potential partner away from you v.v
    I'm a bad girl.

    Btw, it's pretty hard to kiss one of those giants while standing...

  3. Hater on the shorties! Just because our charm overpowers our tall men that some average height girls don't have...severe cuteness and utterly irresistible!

  4. Because guys find short girls cute. It makes them feel more masculine. Let's face it.. I want a girl who I can hold, not somebody who towers over me.

  5. You are wrong about short people being able to find shoe sizes. I wear a size 6 and I can NEVER find any cute high healed shoes in that size. They're ALWAYS 8 and up. And really who are the ones who usually have size 8 feet and up? Usually the people who don't need the high heals. So it works both ways.

  6. Perhaps tall men don't want to date you because you project your own insecurities about being tall on them ("CIRCUS FREAK!"). Really, no man wants their lady to think of him that way. I barely reach the 5' mark, or as you say escape midget status, and my boyfriend is 6'2'' but I don't see him as a circus freak. Quite the opposite I like the fact that he's tall but above all he treats me the right way. Yes logistics are an issue but not an insurmountable one when you really love someone. Perhaps you should forget about finding a man that matches your heels and concentrate on finding someone who's good to you.

  7. You say you are 5'9, if you were to have children with a tall man, your children will be extra tall, you can have daughters possibly in the 6'0 range. Do you really want a amazon ( 5'7-5'10 ) or a giantess ( 5'11 -6'2+ ) for a daughter? Have you ever been ostracize for being tall? Have you ever consider women 5'11 and above to be giantess? Think of it this way if a 5'11 woman was at a sperm bank, she is going to choose a short man sperm to be impregnated by. If she do not want her daughters to be taller than she is and desire them to be closer to average height then she is.

  8. For the above comment, I actually enjoy being tall, and I wish I had grown 1 or 2 inches taller. I come from a tall family, so I'm perfectly comfortable with statuesque women. The only downside is that it's a bit more difficult to find a man taller than I. I totally wouldn't mind having a tall daughter; many of my cousins and friends are 5'10" - 6', and they are gorgeous!

  9. I see a lot of the short women and the tall men are hiiiiighly upset about this topic. Lol! Perhaps there's more truth to it than they're willing to admit. All of my boyfriends have been taller than I am, so I don't think I'm bitter; I'm just pointing out the reality of the situation and the obvious, resulting issues.

  10. Ok...I am 5'1" and my guy is 5'11". I have dated a man that is 6'1". I don't see a problem with dancing, kissing or any other activity with tall men.

    In fact the 6'1" has been known to date women as short as 4'5" and was engaged once to someone under 5' in height.

    He says he likes when us "shorties" wear tall heels and tip-toe to kiss him. I like myself..

    It feels good to have a tall guy a your side and better yet if that myth about tall men is true...

    Speaking of "the myth" (to those of you who have not heard it- the myth is that tall men have large penises), the men I have dated were well endowed and they were in agreement that they think short women handle their size better than taller women...

    What can i say????

    1. i dont think tht height really matters so much...im 5 feet bt it doesnt matters cz if u find a right guy in ur life who is tall u will not dump him because of height problem.....its character n mentality that matters in life

  11. Sounds like you're a little bit jealous girl :P

  12. I am 6'2" and my wife is 4'11". Been happily married for 20 years now. No problems with any part of our marriage.

  13. Concentrate in find someone who you can love without giving a damn on the heels. Life is not a joke, nobody cares if you're jealous or not. So go find your own happiness like we're doing.

  14. I don't know.. why don't you date a nerd and get him to build you a shrink ray to make you more adorable.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. This blog is satirical. If you cannot handle this type of prose, there are plenty of other blogs to frequent. The fact that some of you are getting so angry shows that you are insecure about your own physical attributes. I'm comfortable in my body, are you? Learn to appreciate the humor in things. Life is short (pun intended)!

  17. you are obnoxious! Humor or not- it is insulting and if it works between a short woman and a tall man, there must be more than just the height. And if you say you are comfortable with your body and have had boyfriends who were taller than you- what is need, dear lady, to be so satirical or complaining? Showing off, are we?

  18. your blog is shallow and pedantic

  19. Move to the Netherlands! The average height of men here is a little over 6 feet tall.

  20. So, um how do you kiss and um do the thing?

  21. my Husband is 6'7 and I am 5'3 and we are happy and the best thing is when he hold me! he say I don't want a girl of my size! to heavy! lol Sorry tall girls, you should find your short guy and make normal kids! :)

  22. sex is way better with short girls. hands down.

  23. haha sorry for you giantess,

  24. You're an idiot. What is the likelihood you would be with those specific men. I'm 5'9 too and I don't har issue getting taller men.
    Maybe it's not our height .... Something else could be inhibiting you... Maybe your style? Face? Don't know. Men love women. Short and tall. Stop worrying about your insecurities and just go get yourself a taller man. It's really not that hard.

  25. I am 5'10" and my wife is 4'5" and has always weighed 78 pounds except during pregnancies. She is 15 years younger than me and we have been married for 20 years and we have two boys 17 and 18 years old both of whom are 6 feet tall. We have no issues.

  26. The fact that you think that everyone is getting angry because they're insecure is laughable. They're merely contradicting your points with real life experiences. I have friends well over into the 5'10-6'0 range and they have no problem finding men. And I must say they are quite fierce and Amazonian because they are rugby players, a trait that is stereotypically supposed to drive men away.

    Perhaps the issue is personal. You seem to be blaming everything on everybody except yourself.

  27. i'm 1m55cm & my bofriend is 1'85 is this a problem ??? xs
