Saturday, July 16, 2011

"So, Why Don't You Have a Man?"

Men love to ask this question.  It has always confused me.  What do you mean, “Why don’t I have a man?”  If I knew the answer to that, guess what?  I’d probably have a man!  Now of course, sometimes, we women prefer to be single.  It’s always important to have that personal time for self- exploration and independence, but for the most part, humans dig companionship.  We are communal creatures, and that is just the way it is.
So the last time a man asked me this question – I asked my girl, why the heck do men always ask that???  It's like going on a job interview and them asking that stupid question, “What is your biggest fault?” [I’ve always hated that question.  Makes me feel like they are trying to “Freud” me out and mess with my mental.]  Anyhoo -  The response she gave made perfect sense: “Because, they want to know why a pretty, smart, successful woman is still single.  They are thinking that you should be ‘wifed up’ by now, and they are trying to figure out your defect.”  Light bulb moment!