Saturday, July 16, 2011

"So, Why Don't You Have a Man?"

Men love to ask this question.  It has always confused me.  What do you mean, “Why don’t I have a man?”  If I knew the answer to that, guess what?  I’d probably have a man!  Now of course, sometimes, we women prefer to be single.  It’s always important to have that personal time for self- exploration and independence, but for the most part, humans dig companionship.  We are communal creatures, and that is just the way it is.
So the last time a man asked me this question – I asked my girl, why the heck do men always ask that???  It's like going on a job interview and them asking that stupid question, “What is your biggest fault?” [I’ve always hated that question.  Makes me feel like they are trying to “Freud” me out and mess with my mental.]  Anyhoo -  The response she gave made perfect sense: “Because, they want to know why a pretty, smart, successful woman is still single.  They are thinking that you should be ‘wifed up’ by now, and they are trying to figure out your defect.”  Light bulb moment!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Reality Bites: The Reality of Hope

I just found out some terrible news about one of the kids I used to to tutor. The child is now a young adult, but something has definitely gone wrong along the way, considering the unfortunate path that their life has taken. Just thinking about it is depressing.